A Short Background on the Wandering Infinity Collective

What is this all about?

I’ve had a small recording studio since 2004 I call Wandering Infinity Productions or Wandering Infinity Studios.

A few weeks ago Green Chili GoGo Dust ( a band I’m in) played a show with Aunt Jamama’s Big Band Vigilantes (I last recorded Aunt Jamama’s in 2006, I think) and Maps On Fire.  Both bands were really very good. Aunt Jamama’s is over 5 years old and they have really evolved. While they are still experimental and dark and improvisational, they have matured; the music is interesting in both rhythm and key. I was mesmerized by them. When Green Chili went on after them  I was so in that space that a lot of what I was doing (on the bass) was to try to live up to the great vibe Aunt Jamama’s got going.

Then Maps On Fire came up. Drummer and guitarist/vocalist. They were also impressive. They mixed up some great rhythms with some strong melodic guitar riffs under somewhat poppy sounding vocals… but I am not a music critic.

The short of it is that I realized that we had 6 or 7 bands in our little corner of Seattle that were deserving of some attention, and by that I really mean that there are people out there who are going to like these bands.

The music and the fans deserve to find each other.

I had an idea that maybe if we all band together, as it were, support each other at shows, in the studio, shared what we’ve learned about getting ‘out there’ with each other, we would be something bigger than the sum of it’s parts … a small but determined and steady light would shine on the horizon and you would see. You would see it and wonder, “What’s over there?” – and once you saw and heard, you would know that you are one of us and want to help others to find their way here as well.

And if for some reason we never find you, then at least I am in some great company and a part of a community that I’m proud of. I look forward to seeing these folks as a part of the Wandering Infinity Collective on a regular basis, hearing their music and new material, helping them to get some great recordings and doing what we do together: music!

2 Responses to “A Short Background on the Wandering Infinity Collective”

  1. Speaking of musical togetherness, a big thanks to Jerome and Cassy for the party last night. Industrial Revelation was sublime…and makes me want to practice. Check out any band Devone Lewis is playing in. He is one of the most talented musicians I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. http://www.myspace.com/industrialrevelation

  2. No kidding, they were awesome. Every time I see D’Vonne, no matter who he’s playing with I leave feeling inspired and in awe of the music. He’s also in this band: http://www.myspace.com/mctuffmusic

    Paul, you made the evening up until then a musical wonderland with your disc spinning magic!

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